Library Membership Form - Guidelines

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  • Post Graduate Students / Doctoral / Post-Doctoral scholars, Faculty members, Non – Teaching Staff, Writers, Freelancer, and Journalists etc. can become the members of the library.
  • Prospective student members are required to forward their applications through Head of the Department/Principal of the college. Others are required to produce their valid identity card.
  • Theses, Research Project Reports, Reference Books and Journals/Periodicals/Magazines will not be issued to any member.

Library Membership Fee (Effect from 1 August 2024)


Category of Membership

Membership Period

Change in Membership Fees


ICSSR Officials

Till their Service

No Fees


ICSSR Beneficiaries

(ICSSR awardees during their project/ fellowship tenure)​

As per the award tenure

No Fees


Institutional Membership​

One Year

Rs. 10,000

Consulting Members



One Year

Rs. 1,200


Half Yearly

Six Months

Rs. 800



One Month

Rs. 200



1 or 2 days

No Fees but cannot repeat the visit later.


Scholar/ Faculty affiliated to any of the ICSSR’s Institutes

One year

As per point No. 4 to 6

  (Security deposit will be Rs. 1000 for one book and max. of 2 books)  

Membership privileges

  1. ICSSR officials (Maximum five books at a time for a period of 2 weeks). No Security Deposit Needed.
  2. Institutional Members (Maximum five books at a time for a period of one month) No Security Deposit Needed.
  3. Other Registered Members against a deposit of either MRP of the book to be loaned OR Rs. 1000 per book, (Refundable Security) (Max 2 books) for 2 weeks.
  4. Remote Access facility to access ICSSR Subscribed e- resource by 24*7 outside campus. (Only for Individual Members)
  • Advance payment is required to be made by Cash / NEFT / RTGS / Demand Draft in favour of Indian Council of Social Science Research, New Delhi.
  • Bank Details for Online Payment: Amount may be credited through Online NEFT/RTGS. Name of the Beneficiary: ICSSR, New Delhi, Acc. No: 8474101050001, IFSC No: CNRB0008474
  • Please send DD to the Director, National Social Science Documentation Centre (NASSDOC), ICSSR, 35, Ferozshah Road, New Delhi-110001.
  • In case of online payment, please send the screenshot of the payment made with one photograph and ID proof to icssrnassdoc[at]gmail[dot]com . No need to send the form by post in case of online payment.

Membership for Union Catalogue

Membership to the Union Catalogue is open to ICSSR Grant In- Aid-Research Institutes Libraries only. As a member of the Union Catalogue, it is expected that:

  1. Each member mandatorily provides the holdings as per the template of the description for the item's type.
  2. Libraries may import their patron accounts into the database or allow their patrons to register themselves.
  3. The turnaround time to honor an ILL request is 48 hours, and the courier charges are to be paid by the requesting library.
  4. Bye-laws, Governance, and extension of the memberships to other Social Science libraries are in progress.